Tuesday, December 19, 2006

LOL Story: EWW GROSS!!!!!!!!!


My class went on a field trip to a factory that makes all sorts of choclate candy. It souned like a dream come true- but ended up being a total nightmare! After we had stuffed our bellies full of chocolate, my class boarded the bus to go back to school. I was pumped because I was sitting next to my crush, Ty. He really wasn't in a talkative mood, and actually looked kind of sick. As we drove along, Ty's face turned more and more green. I started to worry, but before I could ask him if he was ok, his lips parted and a sea of chocolatey vomit came puring down on me!!!! It drenched my entire lap and even splattered on my hair and bookbag. The worst part was the smell. It smelled like rotten milk!

-Lucy, Orlando Florida.

*I got this from "M" magazine!!!!!!!!!!!*